Session 1 - Open schooling: theory and pedagogical approaches
This session explores the theory and pedagogical approaches behind the concept of open schooling. The purpose of the session is to:
- Explain what open schooling is
- Give a theoretical and pedagogical basis of open schooling
The overall duration of the session: 3 hours and 35 minutes.
Ice breaking
Ice breaking game Time extimated for this part: 15’ - Support: slides → Ic...
About Open schooling
90’ duration - support: slides → About Open schooling Starting from the awareness th...
The Educational Policy Framework
Open schooling comes from a bottom-up interest from single schools and educational centers intere...
A change of teaching paradigm
When using Open Schooling, the education gets connected with real life. It is not an abstract sub...
Examples of Open Schooling projects
Below you can find some inspiring examples of Open Schooling projects performed in the project "O...
Activity 1
After having participate in the first session of this third module on Open Schooling, reflect ...
Activity 2
Reflecting on the Bronfenbrenner Social-Ecological Model of Development, try to place your sch...
Debriefing (10 min): To wrap up the session, the trainer will facilitate a debriefing moment whe...
OERs and references
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, "Ope...