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Session 3: Mapping local environmental challenges
In this session, participants will focus on mapping sustainable challenges observed with their local community. This session builds on the work done in sessions 1 and 2. The purpose of the session is: - To scope an environmental challenge at the local commu...
Introduction According to UNICEF, "Innovation in education is about more than new technology. It’s about solving a real problem in a fresh, simple way to promote equity and improve learning. Innovation in education comes in many forms. Prog...
From Theory to Practice: Roadmap to Open Schooling
120’ duration: (Trainer) - (support: slides & video & web) A structural change: Roadmap to Open Schooling This part of the module will touch upon the practical aspects that schools have to deal with in order to be able to drive the change towards an open...
Ice breaking
10’ ice breaking game - support: slides Description of the activity → Ice breaker: Teachers can share one experience of collaboration of their school with the local community.
Examples of Open Schooling projects
Below you can find some inspiring examples of Open Schooling projects performed in the project "Open Schools for Open Societies". Multidisciplinarity - an open mathematics lesson where students with their teachers make a journey in time and space looking...
OERs and references
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, "Open Educational Resources (OER)" are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been r...
Debriefing (10 min): To wrap up the session, the trainer will facilitate a debriefing moment where participants are encouraged to express their questions, doubts, ideas and feelings toward the topics discussed.
Activity 2
Reflecting on the Bronfenbrenner Social-Ecological Model of Development, try to place your school and your local community in this system by using the following model as an example, and identify all the actors involved.
Activity 1
After having participate in the first session of this third module on Open Schooling, reflect on your own school and answer the following questions (you can work alone or in group with your colleagues): - Why do you think that Open schooling would be relev...
A change of teaching paradigm
When using Open Schooling, the education gets connected with real life. It is not an abstract subject, but it is always associated with hands-on experiences, practical examples, and learning by doing. This means, that by using Open Schooling, teachers underta...
The Educational Policy Framework
Open schooling comes from a bottom-up interest from single schools and educational centers interested in pedagogical innovation, but is also slowly supported by top-down institutional reccomendations and documents. International and European organizations have...
About Open schooling
90’ duration - support: slides → About Open schooling Starting from the awareness that the current educational methods, and the traditional school model does not meet the needs of a fast-changing world, nor bring the skills needed to face the 21st...
Ice breaking
Ice breaking game Time extimated for this part: 15’ - Support: slides → Ice breaker: "when I say school" Participants are invited to answer to this question: "when I say school, what is the first image you have in mind? In our mind...
OERs and references
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, "Open Educational Resources (OER)" are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released un...
Sessie 1 - Inzicht in groen ondernemen en duurzame ontwikkeling
In deze sessie wordt het concept van de integratie van groen strategisch denken in een zakelijke onderneming en de aanpak van duurzaamheidskwesties onderzocht. De deelnemers worden bewust gemaakt van bestaande inspanningen om duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen te ber...
OERs and references
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, "Open Educational Resources (OER)" are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released un...
OERs and references
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, "Open Educational Resources (OER)" are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released un...
Mapping local environmental challenges
This session uses Frank Lyman's "Think-Pair-Share" collaborative teaching strategy, and it is expected to foster in-depth group critical thinking and opportunities discovery. This approach will help participants to collaborate in groups and come up with new w...
Activities breakdown Slide Presentation: Explore how participants can develop skills to observe communities and identify environmental issues. Activity: Desk research and observation/field research Output: Group discussion, v...
The trainer start the introduction to the module by inviting the participants to solve the Earth Day quiz (5 min). After the quiz, participants will discuss climate change, nature protection, and sustainable development.
OUTSIDE _IO1 Toolkit_module 7.pptx
Sessie 3: Zachte vaardigheden voor innovatoren
Het doel van de sessie: 1. de belangrijkste zachte vaardigheden voor innovatoren te analyseren 2. het belang van de lokale gemeenschap in het innovatieproces te bespreken 3. Samenwerking, kritisch denken, leiderschap en communicatie oefenen. Algemene duu...
Sessie 2: Inzicht in falen
Het doel van de sessie: 1. misvattingen over innovatie te ontdekken 2. het belang van een gebruikersgerichte mentaliteit en experimenteren bij innovatie te bespreken 3. oefenen in het vinden van uitdagingen voor innovatie Algemene duur van de sessie: 60 ...
Sessie 1: Hoe meer mogelijkheden voor innovatie te vinden
Overzicht: Het doel van de sessie: - het ontdekken van misvattingen over innovatie - het belang van een gebruikersgerichte mindset en experimenteren bij innovatie te bespreken -om te oefenen met het vinden van uitdagingen voor innovatie Algemene duur v...
Sessie 4 – Groene ondernemersmentaliteit
Deze laatste sessie richt zich op groene ondernemersactiviteiten. Deelnemers wordt geleerd om de output van alle voorgaande sessies te bekijken door de ogen van een milieubewuste ondernemer. De sessie laat de deelnemers kennismaken met drie nieuwe concepten: a...
Sessie 3 - Een groen bedrijfsmodel ontwikkelen
In sessie 3 worden de resultaten van sessie 1 en 2 omgezet in een kader voor een groen bedrijfsmodel. De deelnemers richten zich op het rechtvaardigen van een waardevoorstel dat voorziet in de werkelijke behoeften van mensen zonder de duurzaamheid van het mili...
Sessie 2 - Het genereren van groene ideeën en kansen
Deze sessie verkent het "genereren van ideeën" voor een groene bedrijfsstrategie. Er wordt van uitgegaan dat de deelnemers de huiswerkactiviteit hebben gedaan om op tempo te kunnen werken. Tijdens de sessie krijgen de deelnemers de kans om EntreComp vaardighed...
Why becoming an open school?
Why should a school become "open"? Open Schooling can provide the participating schools with numerous opportunities to engage in local, national and international activities with lasting benefits for the school heads, the students, the teachers, the school a...