Session 1 - Nature as a part of environment
The purpose of the session is to describe ecology as an environmental science implement elements of ecology in teaching
Overall duration of the session: 2.5 hours + Homework: (1.5 hours)
Theoretical introduction to ecology
Introduction (10 - 30’) Definition game Each participant or group of participants is given one ...
Workshop: How do we weave elements of ecology into the daily teaching work of different subjects?
Participants will be divided into groups. Each group will select and study a given note of a text...
Participants should use the survey to identify less clear concepts among children and determine w...
To wrap up the session, the trainer will facilitate a debriefing moment where participants are en...
Participants can write: three new things two points of interest one idea they...
OERs and references
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, "Open Educatio...