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Adventure days with teenagers


Adventure days for young people - days of non-traditional education. Camping in nature, learning to light a fire, kayaking, hiking. Sports competitions for children of all ages walking in silence to hear each other, nature and themselves; treasure hunt with maps, orienteering competition.

For example, a school organizes an Adventure day. During it, all the students, teachers and all the members of the school community sometimes go on a hike to the chosen place, which is usually near the water (lake, pund or river). Sometimes they walk a few miles in silence to reflect, listen, hear themselves and the world around them. They travel by capturing and photographing visible objects. This experience is then summarized and reflected. Upon arrival, the students set up a camp, light a campfire, and prepare a common lunch. Sports, orienteering competitions, treasure hunts are organised. All the activities which children want. The day ends with reflection.

For further information and inspiration on how to organize active outdoor activities for students, click here: Adventure days Annex No8.docx.