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Optional activity

Aim of the activity: Helps participants to consolidate what they have learnt through the process of revision and self-managed learning.


Activity 3: Optional activity (60 minutes): Although the homework activity set here is optional, participants are encouraged to have a go at completing the task.


  1. Review all three sessions and write a 750-word personal reflection in your e-journal.
  2. To do this, access the internet and find the Gibbs’ Reflective Model. Use the Gibb’s (1988) model to develop and write your reflection:
    • Description: what happened? 
    • Feelings: what were you thinking and feeling? 
    • Evaluation: what was good and bad about the experience? What went well and what difficulties did you encounter?
    • Analysis: what sense did you make of the challenging situations you faced? 
    • Conclusion: what else could you have done? 
  3. Action plan: how would you apply this learning in future study or employment?
  4. Find more details here: